The fourth edition of Seth M.R. Jaipuria School’s Interschool Art and Literary Festival- Kaleidoscope was organised on the 14th and 15th of October, 2022. Kaleidoscope acts as a congregation of budding literary and artistic minds, aiming at unfolding their latent prowess.
A mutual learning and enriching experience for all, we had 12 schools and about 400 participants at Kaleidoscope 2022. With the theme of ‘Transformation’, the events sought to enable the state of the ‘growth mindset’ and march from ignorance to knowledge. Catering to grades 1 to 5, there were 5 categories with 15 events judged neutrally, exploring a myriad of skills. Elocution in English, Hindi and Sanskrit, Picture Interpretation, Treasure Hunt, Indian and Western Music, Dance, Clay Modelling, Advertisement Making, using MS Paint and MS PowerPoint, were some of the events that the students showcased their prowess in.
Kaleidoscope 2022 was successful in its endeavour of bringing gentle awareness in our inner selves to enliven and transform in order to enjoy a positive physical, vital and mental well-being radiating peace and joy. Here are the achievements from our school at the events –