Seth M.R. Jaipuria School
Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar
Lucknow – 226010, U.P., India
Phone: Reception: 0522-2726502
Mobile: 7311184804
Fee Office: 7311184807
Admission Cell : 7311184807 | 7311184805
Principal Office: 7311184810
Administration Office:
Mr. Surendra Kumar Pandey: 7311184803
Mrs. Mitali Srivastava: 7311184801
Please Note:
Visiting hours for visitors and Alumni is after 14:20 15:30 hrs. in summers.
Visiting hours for visitors and Alumni is after 15:00 16:00 hrs. in winters.
Kindly adhere to the given timing for visit.
(Parents are allowed in case of urgency/unavoidable incidents. Parents of school children must carry an ID card)Principal:
Appointment with Principal can be requested on
Phone: 7311184810