Online admission is open ONLY for class 9 and 11
Seth M. R. Jaipuria Shcool Celebrated its Silver Jubilee
April 16, 2016
Middle School English Elocution Competition
April 27, 2016

Middle School Hindi Elocution Competition

Hindi Elocution for the Middle School was an Inter-House event which was held in the Jaipuria Institute of Management Auditorium on 18th April, 2016.The contestants of classes 6, 7 and 8 were upbeat in rendering their rehearsed  poetries. The competition between the four Houses of the School was well contested.

The judges for the competition wereMrs. Naleeta Srivastava, Mrs. Nidhi Srivastavaand Dr. Mrs. Usha Rai

Class 6 contestants recited ‘उठो घरा के अमरसपूतोंष्कवि-ष्द्वारिकाप्रसादमहेश्वरी’

Class 7 contestants chose‘नाचरहा जंगल मेंमोर’from the treasures of कवि ‘ पुरुषोत्तम तिवारी’and

Class 8 contestants selected‘जागतुझकोदूरजाना’from the works of कवियित्री –‘ महादेवी वर्मा ’

The following contestants were judged the winners:

Ist-          Ashnai Singh (7G) NA

IInd-        SaniaBhargava (7F) GO

IIIrd –     AnimishaChitranshi (7A) KE

Best speaker award was won by Ashnai Singh (7G) NA.

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